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A Trifold Relationship – Is it Coincidence?


Today, April 6, 2021 is a unique day and one, Mary and I have come to appreciate. Over the last few years we have learned that this is ‘Drowsy Driving’ Day in California. You can read about the history of why the State chose this date here {scroll down to the bottom link}: We spent much time researching this growing problem in our society which has come to be as serious as drunk driving. We have also promoted on a local, regional and state level, the importance of drowsy driving awareness to the public. 


Just over a year ago, we finally saw the completion of a three-year project in conjunction with our local county officials.  The guard rails which we had been in earnest and persistent to have installed along the highway where we lost our daughter, finally became a reality, as you can see from the background picture here. I thought it fitting of all days, April 6, to bring attention to it.


But in addition to this date being Drowsy Driving Day, there is another unique development which I realized a few weeks ago. I checked my calculations a number of times for accuracy and to my delightful surprise, realized it is correct--today marks 2300 days since we lost our daughter. How amazing is that reality!  Those of you who know the meaning of this timeframe, can rejoice with me. Some of you may not know the significance of 2300 days in the Bible, unless you are an avid Bible student seeking truth. It is a major Biblical prophecy that has its origin in the Old Testament, particularly the book of Daniel. It came to fulfillment 177 years ago this Fall. It is so important, that God would have the world understand the truth of this prophecy, before the end of time. It will affect every believer in the gospel, for it concerns the final atonement Christ is making for all who trust in Him.


When our precious daughter went to sleep on December 19, 2014, the Lord knew that six years and 110 days later I would be writing this blog expressing this very truth. And the fact it landed on Drowsy Driving Day confirms that the Lord gave me this opportunity to make others aware of this very important biblical teaching. He is just so Amazing!  


I hope that some reading this blog, unaware of how this scriptural doctrine may affect them, will be intrigued to study it out for themselves. God will surely bless you if you do. Feel free to reach out to me if you want more information on it, I will be glad to provide it. Only the Most High could have linked these three realities in a “trifold relationship.” As the good Book says, “For our light of affliction, which is but for a moment, worketh for us a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory” {2 Cor 4:17}.

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