Pilot ~ Photographer ~ Scuba Diver
Brianna Cassidy
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Back in December 2014, we lost our most precious commodity to a drowsy (sleep induced) driver—a 21-year old. We never realized at the time, that eventually we would be pursuing a ‘Drowsy Driving Campaign to alert the public of this growing epidemic. This is why we have set up this page.
In 2017, we began research on the theme of drowsy driving and to our surprise came to realize how great this problem is in America. Since that time, we initially reached out to the District Attorney’s Office in our local county. The deputy DA was very supportive of a course of action that would bring awareness to the public.
We then made contact with AASM—American Academy of Sleep Medicine, the only professional society dedicated exclusively to the sub-specialty of sleep medicine. Our contact at AASM, is a federal lobbyist, who has been very supportive of our efforts in drowsy driving. Their address is www.aasm.org. He has continued to reach out to our elected officials in Congress and has kept us abreast of changes at the national level. We have remained in contact with our advocacy program manager at AASM, who has provided us suggestions, links, and valuable insights. In the Fall of 2017, they were touched by our tragedy and thus did a story on Brianna at their sister site, http://sleepeducation.org/news/2017/09/27/a-life-of-passion-cut-short-by-drowsy-driving.
We have also meet with our local senator’s office and congressman’s office, who have listened to our findings, and encouraged us to pursue the awareness and prevention route. Combined efforts with the senator’s office has brought about positive changes at DMV offices (Dept of Motor Vehicle) statewide to include drowsy driving information in the 2018 Handbooks and add on screen statistics in all DMV field offices. The CHP (California Highway Patrol) have begun a social media awareness campaign statewide. Regarding the congressman’s office, ongoing resource and statistical information has been given us which we have deemed very helpful. We have been very thankful for the effort and support of both these offices.
California recognizes April 6 as "Drowsy Driving Awareness Day" The CHP joins the National Sleep Foundation to promote Drowsy Driving Prevention Week, November 5-12. We are scheduling with high schools in our county to give presentations on this Drowsy Driving theme. We are also open to speaking engagements with other groups to do a presentation. Feel free to contact us for scheduling purposes.
Over the course of time, in addition, we have had a number of meetings with our local Supervisor’s office, regarding moving forward on constructing guard rails in the location where we lost Brianna. The Supervisor’s office in conjunction with the Public Works Dept, agreed to hiring an engineering firm to survey the land (a necessary step) in route to actually funding construction of rails for that location. Recently, we've been notified that the county has approved the amount in the budget for the guardrails in that location. After the elections, we are expecting the process to proceed to completion sometime in 2019.
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