Pilot ~ Photographer ~ Scuba Diver
Brianna Cassidy
Agape* God Love
Be a good girl, but still have fun.
Be patient, but don’t let people take advantage of you.
Don’t forget your mistakes, learn from them, but don’t ever regret.
Take chances, give everything.
Be kind to those you don’t like, or who don’t like you.
Use one hand to help yourself, and the other hand to help others.
Don’t ever give up.
When you fall down, get right back up.
You say you’re going to do something, you do it. No lies.
Don’t cry unless it’s worth it, it gives you headaches.
Don’t feel sorry for yourself, it doesn’t solve anything.
Care for others. Love your neighbor.
Bless them that curse you. Be good to them who hate you.
Pray for them who despitefully use you.
Agape* God’s Love.
By Kimberly Orozco

I am realizing there is more to life,
Then fun and games, love and hate.
Your heart break, your little shake.
Happiness belongs to those who hold on.
Life is a thorn, and love is the rose.
There are raindrops on roses,
Snowflakes that fall on the mountains peek.
Take a chance,
and only know that it’ll cost you.
But does the cost outweigh the chance?
Let go, just be and see,
The world for what it really is.
Hold on there,
You may feel like giving up,
But my oh my!
Remember why you held on in the first place!
Life is a thorn and l ove is a rose.
Crying waterfalls and lollipops and angels.
Take a chance, live and dance!
“I will never give in!”
By Kimberly Orozco
Do What counts
Life, worldly life, which is worldly living
Is a sandcastle.
It washes away, and is no more.
But the Rock doesn’t wash away.
It holds on to the ground.
It doesn’t wash away, it never will.
Stand on that Rock!
That Rock is God! Our Savior and Redeemer,
And Sanctifier and Glorifier!
He is everything to me, to us.
He is everything, He is the reason we’re here,
He is our purpose.
By Kimberly Orozco
I Am a Sinner
I am a sinner,
I am a hypocrite.
But God is God,
And there is no sin
That is too great,
That can’t be covered
With God’s blood.
by Kimberly Orozco
I am the Light of the World
I am the Light of the World,
He who follows me will not walk in darkness.
But have the light of life, the light of life,
Life, life, life, life. Have the light of life.
Life, life, life, life. Have the light of life.
The buckler you kill and destroy this women,
For she had committed sin. Someone saw her commit a sin.
Jesus knew there was not much that could be said,
To people who love to be right. So he waited and finally said,
“Who of the first of you can cast the first stone on her?”
And when they felt ashamed. One by one they left.
“Women where are those accusers of yours?”
“Has no one condemned you to death?” And she said, “No one, Lord.”
“Well neither do I condemn you women.
Go, and sin no more. You must go and sin no more.”
Life, life, life, life. Have the light of life.
Life, life, life, life. Have the light of life.
Ye search the scriptures for in them you think, You have eternal life.
But you won’t come to me, You must come to me.
For life, life, life, life, you must come to me.
For life, life, life, life, you must come to me.
You must come to me. I am the Bread of life,
If you come to me you will not ever hunger.
And believing into me, You will not ever thirst.
For life, life, life, life, have the Bread of life.
Life, life, life, life, have a drink of life.
Life, life, life, life, have a light of life. Of life.
Love; Liebestraum
The day will come when you will
Stand at the grave and weep.
So Live now, and Love now.
Look to the One you Love
As if you were staring Death’s face.
Things happen, mistakes are wrought,
People fall and sometimes never get up.
Love is a star waiting to shine.
When you Love someone; Don’t let go.
Don’t give up because of fear of getting hurt.
Trust, have faith believe, and just let go.
Love requires sacrifices for the good
Of mankind. We give up the things we like,
For the One we love.
“I was in Heaven I was on the clouds.”
Love is beyond words.
Life is pain but Love is real;
Love gives us a reason to go on.
The day will come when you will
Stand at the grave and weep.
So Live now, and Love now,And never let go.
The Ants
One day I was playing, and my Father said, “Don’t sit on the ants my dearly beloved son, for they will crawl all over you and bite you.” He said it to me three times, but then finally he gave in to my curiosity and love for the ants, and let me try to sit on them. I sat on them and they did crawl all over and bite me. And it hurt very much, so I squashed them all and ran back to my father.
This is what we do to ants if they bite us: we squash them, but Jesus…No. Out of curiosity and Love for, Us Ants, He tried to sit with us in our hearts, and we just bit Him and bit Him. And finally killed Him. But Jesus didn’t squash us and run back to His Father…No! No! He died for us because He loved us so much. He gave His life for us. He didn’t quash us...The smallest ants in history…No, he died for us. Won’t you let Him sit with you in your heart?
Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If any man hear my voice and open the door I will come in to Him and sup with him and he with me. For I am persuaded, that neither death, nor life nor angels nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come, nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature shall be able to separate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.”
And, “For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.”
And, now, come my people, and let me sit with you in your hearts, as many as I love I rebuke and chasten be zealous therefore and repent. And even so, come now and let me hold your hand, so you’ll never fall.
By Kimberly Orozco
I was drowning.
I was dying of lack of breath.
I could not see clearly, nor think.
This was it.
I was going to drown in the water.
It was going to choke me up.
But behold! A Rock came, and
I stood on it.
I was not drowning,
I was not dying of lack of breath,
I was not going to die.
For the Rock saved me!
And I could finally breathe again
And think, and see clearly.
The Rock! The Rock! Alelujah!
The Rock! Alelujah! The Rock
The Rock saved me!
By Kimberly Orozco