Pilot ~ Photographer ~ Scuba Diver
Brianna Cassidy

On Sunday, May 24th, it was the fifth day of the fifth month after we lost our precious daughter to a fatal collision. In one respect the time has gone by pretty quick, but from another stand-point so much has happened in less than half a year, it seems like much longer. We should ever be grateful we cannot see into the future even one day. Only the Infinite One reserves this right. We only have one day at a time that is ours to either live for the glory of King Jesus or fill up the cup of an iniquitous life (topic for a future blog).
The grief we continue to experience is like a cloud of oppression that comes and goes like the clouds nearly daily we’ve had in CA the last couple weeks, but with little rain. By pushing forward with purpose to further our cause, the grief is more manageable. One of the ways I’ve dealt with it is by focusing on the future—when the grief comes, I thank the Lord resurrection morning is one day closer.
The human heart longs for comfort and assurance, especially in loss. God knew this and thus prepared a ‘rescue’ plan before the foundation of the world. Man did not know the depths of depravity to which his nature would fall. To add to our sinful condition, the grief and pain man has brought on his fellow man due to wrong choices influenced by inherited corrupt propensities, has brought an abyss of misery and wretchedness to the human family these thousands of years.
It is encouragement to know that we were not engineered to be ‘in control’ of our lives. This is a result of sin. We were created to be ‘God-dependent’, not ‘self-dependent’. It is the purpose of the Divine government to restore human beings fully with the character of the first begotten Son of God, who is also the Son of man. It is through “His divine power” that we have all things that pertain to life and godliness. (2 Peter 1:3). Those who embrace those ‘exceedingly great and precious promises’ become “partakers of the divine nature”. Thus the human family has hope, even more than hope, they have the guarantee that ‘what God has promised’ He will accomplish. (Phil 1:6) Not one of His promises have ever failed.
Thus to each is given only one day. As we look to lighten the load of others, we ourselves are blessed and foster a spirit of selflessness, which is inspired by the divine Spirit. Even in the loss of a loved one, we can seek to encourage and support others. By so doing, we lesson our pain, and bring glory to God.
Soon the days of our sojourning here will pass. The question that remains with each of us to be pondered is this—will I have a record that I will not be ashamed to meet in the judgment? Only One life has passed the test! That life reproduced in those who endure until the end will receive the eternal inheritance. Is this your choice? It certainly is mine and my wife’s today and today and today, until Jesus comes.