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Keep Looking Up




Brianna is asleep, but not for long


The grave is not where she belongs


There is no death; Brianna is only asleep


And very soon many rewards she will reap


Jesus defeated death for all who believe


He loves us more than our minds can conceive


The grave couldn't hold Him and Satan won't win


For our Savior lived a perfect life, without sin


Our Lord is returning; the time is soon


We know not the hour- morning, night, or noon


Trumpets will sound and our Jesus we'll see


He will gather believers in sweet victory


We will see Him returning from the east


All believers' suffering will abruptly cease


Jesus will call her and she shall arise,


your Brianna, beautiful, before your eyes


Your will be there, right by her side


Forever with the Lord, you shall abide


When He gathers us up, no more shall we mourn


With Jesus, every day will be a "New Morn"


We must wait a bit longer for that glorious day


Then no more in a cold, dark grave shall she lay


So keep looking up, to our Jesus above


Every eye shall see Him coming, in glory and love


We will be going with Jesus to our heavenly home


No more this evil, sinful earth shall we roam.



Annee Moore


May 2015

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