Pilot ~ Photographer ~ Scuba Diver
Brianna Cassidy
Parents Passion - Mary & Rod''s Written Blogs
The Broken Bottle (Mary's)
This blog has been a hard one to write, especially since it has been so long since my last one. I have so many feelings to share and really didn’t know where to start.
The Ten Year Scar
SCARS. We all have them. Why? They are reminders of the past—mistakes we’ve made that have brought injury to ourselves, maybe even to others...

Past Blogs

The Ten Year Scar (Dec 19, 2024)
​​SCARS. We all have them. Why? They are reminders of the past—mistakes we’ve made that have brought injury to ourselves, maybe even to others...
Serpent Encounter (June 19, 2025)
After our first snake encounter, I knew a blog would be forthcoming. It was a first, indeed, at the crash site. Mary and I had talked about...
Pressing On (May 16, 2024)
Early on in our grieving process, someone approached me at one of my speaking engagements and shared their...
The Tenth Year Surprise (March 5, 2024)
On the 19th of February, [110 months since that tragic event] we received a surprise call from a gentleman...
The Nine Year Separation (Dec 19, 2023)
The day of Brianna’s Memorial Service, a lady came up to us at the close and introduced herself. I did not recognize...
The Rocky Trial (August 20, 2023)
As summer is waning, it was fitting to describe the “rocky trail” we traverse every handful of days. As per the pictures, ...
A Milestone: 100 Months (April 23, 2023) (
Today, (April 19) marks 100 months since we lost our precious daughter, Brianna. Mercifully the Lord hid the time...
Things Which Will Never Be the Same (Dec 19, 2022)
Eight years ago today, my wife and I were dealt a blow that no parent should ever experience. It’s been 96 months experiencing...
88 Months (Spring 2022)
Most don’t pay much attention to numbers, but double numbers should at least raise an eyebrow. Today, marks ...
The Last Thanksgiving (Fall 2021)
Who expects that the next major holiday, will be their last? We certainly didn’t that Thanksgiving holiday in 2014. Had we known, how different we would have cherished every minute with our precious daughter...
Seven Years of Healing (Dec 19, 2021)
Yesterday, Friday the 19th, marks 322 weeks since we lost our precious Brianna. Though the day and date only coincide once or twice a year, yet I thought it fitting to do a blog, my first for 2021.
A Trifold Relationship - Is it Coincedence? (Nov 21, 2021)
Today, 6 April 2021 is a unique day and one, Mary and I have come to appreciate. Over the last few years we have learned that this is ‘Drowsy Driving’ Day in California.