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New Sign on the Cross  (Crash Site)

As the year is winding down, 2017 has  brought challenges we have not faced since before we lost Brianna. One of those challenges for BWP Foundation has been a sharp decline in donations from the previous year.


After the historic rainy winter and spring, we knew that summer could be very hot and dry. This has proved to be the case.  We had been realizing for months that a replacement sign was warranted.  From the donations we have received, much has been committed to assist our pilot-in-training down in South America, or for our plane also located in Bolivia. This left little for items of less priority.   Yet, it was something that with the  weather changing, we would need to replace.


As we have done so frequently over the course of this year, we took it to the Lord in prayer for a solution.  God rewarded as He is faithful, but in an unexpected manner. How often we neglect to thank Him for His blessings.

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