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Archived Blogs

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Today, April 6, 2021 is a unique day and one, Mary and I have come to appreciate. Over the last few years we have learned that this is ‘Drowsy Driving’ Day in California.

A Trifold Relationship – Is it Coincidence?  (Nov 27, 2021)

The Process of Reconciliation   (July 10, 2021)

We gauge time in units—seconds, then minutes, hours, days, weeks months and years. But the weekly cycle is unique. 

Photographs are Memory Enhancers   (February 20, 2021)

Yesterday, Friday the 19th, marks 322 weeks since we lost our precious Brianna. Though the day and date only coincide once or twice a year, yet I thought it fitting to do a blog, my first for 2021.

December 19th    (Winter 2020)

It has been said that the passage of time brings healing.  This is probably true in many cases.  Yet, it cannot be true, when it comes to the loss of a ...

287 Weeks    (June 20, 2020)

287 weeks ago we lost our precious daughter. She is now resting, waiting her reward, when the Lord will call her forth from that dusty bed.

60 Months – A Drop in the Bucket   (Dec 19, 2019)

Today, five years ago was the worst day of our lives. How does one quantify pain from a grief-stricken heart? 

Remembering the Past   (Sept 19, 2019)

Life is full of challenging situations!  Prior trials we’ve encountered and endured should encourage us in pressing forward through present issues.

Today, five years ago was the worst day of our lives. How does one quantify pain from a grief-stricken heart?

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