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Photos are Memory Enhancers


Yesterday, Friday the 19th, marks 322 weeks since we lost our precious Brianna. Though the day and date only coincide once or twice a year, yet I thought it fitting to do a blog, my first for 2021.


Recently, I’ve been looking through pictures Brianna shot while flying. Because they were taken from her camera while revamping some pages on her website. I was amazed to find a number of pictures, never seen before, which she took from the air. A few of these are very unique and special and that is why I’m including them here.  Though we are all special and unique in God’s eyes, some have opportunity to express that uniqueness in ways that bless others. But more than that, it captures something of the creative touch the photographer brings to the shot.


These pictures are not only a first to us, but bring to mind how much Brianna

enjoyed photography with her aviation.  We can only imagine what pictures she

would have recorded from some where in the earth, had she been permitted to live.

Oh how we miss her and long for that Day, when we will see her again.


Three of these shots are from Yosemite National Park. These are very exquisite and

can be only taken from a helicopter or airplane. Brianna never told us of these

pictures. As a child, she had the privilege to visit the Park every month of the year,

since we lived only 40 minutes from YNP. Having an annual pass, for a number of

years made it all the worthwhile. Thus, Brianna grew up with a love of this Park,

evidenced from the many pictures she has taken as she grew older.


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As we reflect back on these memories, now six years and a couple months later, we

are grateful for these many pictures she has left on record for us. They are a “piece

of her life” which we still have that we cherish so much.


                                                                                                           When we see what is happening in our world and the pressures                                                                                                                and stress young people are enduring under the pandemic, the                                                                                                                depression that elementary children and high schoolers are                                                                                                                      experiencing being separate, is truly disheartening. All the                                                                                                                        stresses that have spun off as a result of the lockdowns, amid all                                                                                                              the societal changes these past 12 months, it is a relief in our                                                                                                                     case to know that our daughter has been spared from all these                                                                                                                  increasing troubles coming on the world. She is in safe-keeping.                                                                                                             However, we know many families with young children; we can                                                                                                               only pray for them.


These truly are trying times we are living in. But no matter how

challenging the issues of life may bring, no matter the crisis we

are facing, we can have confidence that there is One who said,

“I will never leave you, nor forsake you.” (Heb 13:5) He assures

us of His presence, “It is I, do not be afraid”, for the Peace Giver

says, “Peace I leave with you.” (John 6:20; 14:27).All who put

their trust in Him, He will be with them till the end of the





And when that great Day comes, when Brianna will be called from her dusty bed, along with all the righteous saints sleeping, there will be one grand reunion. We will never more part. Now is the time of preparation for that great event. I hope you are making that preparation.


El Capitan, Yosemite

Looking down on Yosemite Fall

Halfdome-Never before scene from the Air

Halfdome, Yosemite

Shasta from C172.jpg

Looking North to Mt. Shasta, CA

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