Brianna Cassidy
Pilot ~ Photographer ~ Scuba Diver
The Process of Reconciliation
We gauge time in units—seconds, then minutes, hours, days, weeks months and years. But the weekly cycle is unique. It is not based on the solar or lunar reckoning of time as are the others. The weekly cycle is directly linked back to the Creation Week, with God’s celebration of His “Finished Work” in resting the 7th Day.
Friday the 9th, marked exactly 342 weeks from that awful day we lost our daughter. But this day
also marked, to the day, my entrance into the world 2920 weeks ago, which comes with mixed
emotions. The title of this blog is where my attention now focuses.
Just the other day, we received a letter in the mail from one who we’ve not heard from since
Brianna’s memorial event. She expressed the pain from the disfunction in her family, the missed
opportunities to reach out to Brianna when she was alive, and the devastation of receiving the
news of her sudden and tragic death. The words were well chosen as she spoke from the heart.
It was a painful and emotional letter to read. But she ended with hope.
Because life is uncertain, and people do not make right choices, reconciliation between parties is
just not possible at times in this life, especially when life abruptly ends, with no warning at all. But
we praise God, that this life is just temporal. A Day is coming when those reconciliations will
become a reality for all who inherit life eternal.
However, due to the choices people make, it will be determined that those who have obtained
eternal life by the grace of God, made the one right choice. As long as they continue to say yes
to God from that point forward, they will progress along the path with divine aid developing a
character which perpetuates ‘eternal life’. The Most High has given the greatest gift to humanity, for He has invested eternity in the human experience.
It is our prayer that if any of you reading this blog realize you need to reconcile with another for whatever reason, do not put off that work. But if, the person has become deceased, before you could reunite with them and thus you were not able to reconcile, fear not. If you receive that Gift, the opportunity will one day be granted you.
This is our prayer for each of you this summer.