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2013-06-09 11_edited.jpg

The Ten Year Scar


SCARS. We all have them. Why?  They are reminders of the past—mistakes we’ve made that have brought injury to ourselves, maybe even to others, accidents we’ve been involved in our accidents we’ve brought upon ourselves by acting hastily or not thinking through the consequences of our actions beforehand.


SCARS.  Some are proud of their scars for it reminds them of some feat they’ve accomplished which resulted in pain, even injury to themselves, but them they deemed it as worth the cause. Some who enlisted in the service and fought in battle also experienced scars. But these are examples of physical scars on the body, due to trauma or injury.


SCARS. The worst type of scars are internal, such as emotional scars. But there is also physical scarring internally, as a result of disease or trauma to the body. We know all these things through learning and life’s experiences.

I focus on the literal, natural scars to the body or internally to accent the deeper emotional scaring on a spiritual level.  These are scars which run deep, which most people do not see—they are hidden—hidden most of the time from our own eyes, our own knowledge. Why?  Because they are too painful. We don’t want to deal with these issues, many of which go all the way back to childhood. They bring back unpleasant memories. It is far easier to avoid those issues altogether. Generally speaking, human beings don’t want to deal with “their past baggage.” Emotional scarring many times remain with us the rest of our lives. But this does not have to be.


                                                                            God wants us to deal with these issues, for it is the only way healing can occur.                                                                              Yes, there is pain and suffering in our healing process. This is just the way it is                                                                                 in a fallen broken world.


                                                                                 -- -- -- --        -- -- -- --        -- -- -- --        -- -- -- --        -- -- -- --        -- -- --


                                                                             Ten years ago today, our family was dealt by blunt force a fatal wound—                                                                                         taking  out our precious daughter on the verge of her life’s work. She was a                                                                                     pilot preparing for mission service, a scuba diver, a violinist, and

                                                                             photographer —all at 19. It all came to an end in one fatal blow.  This has                                                                                       resulted in scaring, emotional scaring to her parents, which will be with us till                                                                               we see and embrace her again.


It is truly amazing how fast these ten years have expired. Listening

again to Brianna’s memorial slide show this morning, brought it all

back—all the memories, all the experiences in those pictures as if it

happened last week. There were plenty of tears, and grief. The mind

has been locked in time. But the good news is that the God of

restoration is in the business of healing. The concepts of hope and

faith are essential to the healing process over time. Doesn’t the Bible

say that faith, hope, and love abide, but the greatest of these is love?

(1 Cor 13:13).  It is the love of God, the hope of full restoration, and

reconciliation again with our loved ones taken from us, that inspires

faith to press on in the process.


Yet, the Most High has done more, He himself received scars, not for a few years, or even a lifetime as we count, but scarring for eternity. He was scarred for the wounds He received in the house of His friends (Zech 13:6). An eternal reminder to the redeemed, yea all the universe, of the love of God and His solution for those who did not love Him. It will truly be “our science and our song” as we behold the Man of Calvary and the scars which will remain in His hands and feet throughout eternal ages.  


In those scars, my wife and I, with our daughter will one day be fully healed and restored, as well as all those who come to trust and rest in the nail-scarred hands. Heaven will be cheap enough. Oh, we long for that day. Do you? 

It is our prayer that all who have read this blog will love is appearing, so that their scarring too, will one day be healed, fully.

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