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To my Dad...


It truly does pay to bring one's children up in the fear (love) and the admonition of the Lord, knowing that as the reciprocate to such instruction, a kindhearted, trust worthy spirit will be established in their character. We only have to look at the life of Daniel and his three companions to know that their parents succeeded in this admonition. The testimony of these children as they mature into adulthood, will speak till the end of time as a witness to godly parenting. Such a testimony will bring gladness of heart to her parents, and shed a heavenly light to all who came in contact with her. 



This photo has special memories for it encapsulates the love of a growing daughter for her father.


When Brianna was in her late single digit years she wrote this text out and gave it to me at a time I was struggling with an issue (don’t recall exactly at this time). It appears to have had something to do with either being critical, hasty of speech, and possibly an unforgiving spirit, based on the text. 


Looking back, what stuck with me was the simply childlike faith of my daughter with counsel from the Lord on the importance of forgiveness.  Oh how I cherish these little memoirs, written years ago with her own hand.


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