Pilot ~ Photographer ~ Scuba Diver
Brianna Cassidy
News Updates from BWP
This page has been created to keep you abreast of all news developments related to Brianna's Wings of Passion Foundation. It will highlight current and future happenings that may be of special interest to our viewers. We are glad to make this available for you.
Saved From Fire
We recently received word from two news reporters who shared their photos of the cross as they drove by that it was not burned. We realized Divine protection was once again granted in this horrible ordeal that burned up Paradise and much of our community on November 8. But there is more, please click to read on.
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On to I F R Training
Our Bolivian pilot, Miguel Farias has recently enrolled in a flight school in Bolivia to continue his aviation training for his instrument rating. To read more on his ongoing journey with aviation training, click below.
Our Bolivian pilot, Miguel Farias has recently enrolled in a flight school in Bolivia to continue his aviation training for his instrument rating. To read more on his ongoing journey with aviation training, click below.
Engine 82
Surprises continue to unfold to us, as time goes on. Recently we had an experience out at the crash site that encouraged us greatly. We'd like to share that experience with you here as our lates newes item. Click below for the rest of the story...
A Look Back at 2017
Though we put this page up a few months ago, we are moving it to the News page, since some may not have seen it. Click below to look back at all the things God accomplished for BWP in 2017.
As We Approach our Two Year Anniversary
We thought it fitting to add to our News page, highlights from our HHH Benefit Event of May 2016. Some readers may not have known of our event in the past and for those who recall, we make it available here to the memories of that event.
Remembering. . .
New Sign on the Cross
At the beginning of the summer (2017), we had a close friend come forward who unexpectedly gave a donation to cover costs for a new sign. How grateful we were, since we desperately needed to replace the aging one. This is the brief account of this little miracle.
Bolivian Pilot Obtains Private Pilot's License
It was with great delight that Miguel Farias, our mission pilot in South America has now finished his training, passed all his exams and obtained his Private Pilot's License. It has been a life long goal for Miguel and he was very appreciative to God and BWP Foundation to make this a reality for he and his family. The Farias family are originally from Argentina, but have been serving as missionaries presently in Bolivia. This is their website.